CyLshade-Sombreo ocultación 50-65-80%
Excessive solar radiation can cause burning of plants and fruit. Our nets are designed to offer suitable shade for each type of crop. So, the farmer can get the maximum performance and no loss of production. These nets can also be used to cover reservoirs, parking lots, parks and public areas. The shading or masking nets are manufactured with monofilament threads and twine.
These nets avoid solar and water stress in plants therefore there is a significant improvement in their vegetative growth and acquisition of greater vigour in the leaves and fruit, as result increase in production.
- Protection against excessive solar radiation and high temperature.
- Shade House-type cover for greenhouses.
- Can be utilised to reduce the temperature in the greenhouse.
- Utilised as a windbreak screen or crop concealment at the edges of plantation.
- Controls the amount of sunlight that reaches the crop and therefore stabilises the temperature inside the greenhouse.
- Regulates the entry of air into the greenhouse.
- Prevents sudden day/night temperature changes.
- Reduces water consumption since it lowers the temperature that affects the plant.
- Diversity of shade types.
- Possibility of installing eyelets, polyester thread, etc.
- Tailor made dimensions for easy installation.
- Width(m): 1 – 1’5 – 2 – 2’5 – 3 – 3’5 -4 – 4’5 – 5
- Colours: Silver / Green / Black.

Detailed image of
CyLshade 50-65-80%
Warranty: Black (4 years) Others colours (3 years)
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